Transformative IT for Healthcare

"Cyber Safety is Patient Safety!"

“Health information technology improves patient safety by reducing medication errors, reducing adverse drug reactions, and improving healthcare quality and safety.”
– U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Your focus is healthcare.

Our focus is delivering secure and seamless access to technology.

What Does an Ideal, Technology-Driven Experience in Healthcare Today Look Like?

  • Ability to roam freely from room to room with near instant tap-and-go logins
  • Focus on patient care instead of worrying about the process to access or share data securely – It is set up to “be secure” without any concern for data left on local devices
  • Everything just works - fast - and technology doesn’t get in the way
  • Compliance is automatic – not something for users to worry about
  • Access is designed with cybersecurity in mind, without negatively impacting user experience
  • Easy, quick access to collaboration data and internal workflows, procedural docs, and forms
  • Easy to share educational information and intake forms with patients
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Technology in Action

Find out how technology can benefit every aspect of your health center.



How Forthright and BindTuning Transformed Communication and Culture in Healthcare

How Forthright Has Helped Healthcare Clients:

  • SharePoint & Teams Optimization
  • Data Consolidation, Migration, & Governance
  • Collaborative Hub Digital Workspace
  • Cybersecurity & Managed Endpoints/Networks
  • Process Automation & Digitized Forms/Workflow
  • Simplified management of IT infrastructure with increased efficiency

Validate the Effectiveness of your Cybersecurity Strategy and Gain Visibility into Your User Activity 

Forthright will monitor key indicators within your network at no cost to you. After several days of gathering information, you receive a detailed report with insights into your current security posture and network activity.


Want to learn more? Join one of our webinars!

Imagine your ideal work experience at your healthcare center... it's possible! Learn how you can leverage technology in every part of your organization to increase security, collaboration, and efficiency to deliver even better patient care.

Choose which date works for you (click on the date to register):

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Data Migration Services

Migrate or restructure data from file servers or cloud content from tenant-to-tenant, such as Microsoft Teams & 365   LEARN MORE

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Automation Services

Eliminate mistakes caused by tedious paperwork and complex workflows with the power of automation and digitalization  LEARN MORE

CASE STUDY: How Forthright helped CHI leverage technology to simplify the management of their IT infrastructure and create a more efficient IT environment

About Forthright

Forthright Technology Partners works with healthcare centers and other businesses on digital transformation initiatives to establish modern, secure, and compliant IT solutions that focus on user experience and empower end users. Forthright is proud to serve HCN for over a decade. We offer thought leadership with an experienced understanding of the unique needs of the healthcare industry.  Our focus is on delivering secure and seamless access to healthcare technology. Transform your organization with collaborative healthcare solutions that can help you deliver personalized, efficient, and informed care. WHY WORK WITH FORTHRIGHT

